I’ve always found that even-numbered years are usually more fun, looking back, than those of odd years. I’m not sure why that is, if it’s psychological, or if it’s something to do with 16, 18, 30, etc. appearing on even years, but this year was no exception. If I had to sum up this year in a word, it would be change. So many facets of my life are different now from where I began 2012 that I can barely remember them all.
Like most of the last few years, I did monthly resolutions this year, at least for part of the time. This led to some amazing times, especially Fearless Month, which I think I’ll carry with me the rest of my life. Fearless month led to trapeze, trapeze led to a blood clot in my leg, putting me face-to-face with my mortality for a while, and eventually led to me taking a daily multivitamin and walking around more, especially at work.
I got married. My wife is an amazing person, and continues to stun me with the depth of her compassion and the care she shows me and our life in general. It’s been over six months, and we’re still doing well. We’re continually conquering one of the biggest hurdles our marriage can face–money–and we’ve got hope about the other ones and working on them in the future. I find myself happy, and with New Year’s eve approaching, a holiday I used to dread, I find myself excited and confident about what the next year will bring.
We’re having a child. Within the next month, we’ll give birth to our first son. People keep asking me, “Are you ready? Are you excited? Are you scared?” and, of course, I’m all of those things. I’m ready to be a dad. I’ve been ready to be a dad for a long time, insomuch as Plato believed he was a genius. The only thing I know about being a parent is that I’ll never be ready to be a parent, so why not now? I’m scared of the mistakes I’ll make, and I’m excited about the potential I have to become a better person through my son, and help him become better, too.
We moved to a nicer neighborhood. Our loft in Oakland was great, but it was huge, cold, in a bad area, and not much of a “home.” Also not my favorite place to raise a child. The idea that my wife can walk with our son to the park and not worry about crime the way we used to is an incentive greater than many others. The new house is already more of a home to me, and the workshop in the garage doesn’t hurt either. I’ve started making furniture, and I’m already a lot better than when I started.
All in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better year. I’m happy, healthy, relaxed, and productive. If I can keep this up for the next 70+ years, I’ll be in good shape.