The point of the trip was to come out and join Alyson and Matt as they got hitched out here near Torch Lake, Michigan, and we were finally settled in at the cabin, we had a glimpse of the wedding location, a taste of what the food would be like, and we were all primed and ready for an amazing wedding.
Before the wedding, we decided a little relaxation time was appropriate, so we headed to the local golf course and played 9 holes of 2-man team best ball. The 8 AM tee time was ideal considering that the day would turn out to be close to 90 degrees in the afternoon. I did better than I expected, especially considering that I haven’t golfed since age 11 or so and I was using rental clubs that were way too short for me. Matt and I won by three strokes, and finished up the morning with no sunburns, the true measure of a successful pre-wedding activity.