City of Angels

  • Elizabeth
  • 1 Minutes
  • October 29, 2011

We left SF last night and drove through the night to Hollywood. We narrowly missed an accident in San Jose, then took 152 to the 5. Traffic was decently light for most of the drive though people were taking up the left lanes for no reason. Why do people do that? Maybe I’ll never know.

Los Angeles is a little different than Ireland. The major highways in Ireland seem like tiny streets here by comparison. The people in Ireland also drive in a much more… interpretive way. The streets weren’t designed with cars in mind and so people have to drive half in your lane or park half on the sidewalk. You do that in LA, you’d die.

We’re working a gig at a mansion, getting painted up as entertainment for the guests of a Halloween party tonight but first, we’re off to silverlake to pick up the engagement ring I owe a certain fiancée. We’ll be sure to post pictures as soon as we can.

Sunday, I fly home on jet blue for the first time, I will let you know how it goes, then on Tuesday, I fly to Costa Rica for work, another adventure for sure.